Above average
Can definitely see this going somewhere. Although I see room for improvement. Some suggestions for next chapter...then I shall say good things! =D
1. While the lack of some quiet creepy music gives it a sense of suspense, I feel it might be better with SOME sort of ambiance in the background. All that white silence makes it feel like it's lacking some much needed atmosphere.
2. The character models need some sort of sprucing up. More dynamic shading in spots other than their hair would probably do them justice moreso than anything else.
3. The scenes kinda dragged on at too slow a pace. It picked up nicely towards the end though, when the characters finally got in contact with one another. But in the beginning, it was slow. It was obvious that the environment was tattered from the start. No need to spend as much time as you did making your character notice this =P
That's about it though. The voice of the main character could use some sort of 'emotion' to him like the other characters. He sounded a bit monotoned. But it's not that bad.
Despite the quirks I had though, the voice overs were well recorded and pitched. the environment details were drop dead lovely and the sound quality was superb as well! Animation itself was a bit lacking due to such slow movement on the characters part (lotta tweening can be boring to watch), but they looked realistic when they say turned their head and such.
Keep up the good work though! I will be watching for more to see your improvement =3