Tossing artwork at you!

Age 39, Female

Joined on 1/5/05

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Let's see how many people read this. I am in need of some motivation I guess you can say. See...I've been wanting to get back into flash and do animations for a while now. And while having a tablet before I do one WOULD be nice, with no job, I don't foresee me getting one anytime soon.

SO! that is why I'm calling on you folks out there. I only have like one tiny thing on NG (14 second piece in a collab *coughs* ), but people really seemed to want more of that. I do have some other animation-ish stuff on my DA page though that might be hints as to what I'm capable of. So if after seeing what I can do, and you like it, I ask you all, to please send me an email, leave a note on DA, do SOMETHING, to let me know you want to see more! I'm not too good at self motivation, which is why I want to see just how many folks out there want to see more animations from me. Perhaps the extra feedback will give me the gun-ho to start something.

If your curious, I have many Sonic-related animations in mind, as well as something original too. But I wanna see how many people take the time to contact me and ask for more. If I do make an animation, harp on me to keep at it! I do better when I know I got people on my back that want me to finish lol.

Email: Ultimateth@yahoo.com
AIM: UltimateTH
DA Page: www.ulta.deviantart.com

Hope to hear from people!

Need Motivation!

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115 Points

DiamondHunter extraordinaire 10 Points

Hunting diamonds is childs play

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Mining Tools 5 Points

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Battle Ready 5 Points

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Dragonborn 10 Points

slay a dragon

Demon Slayer 10 Points

slay a demon

Cataclysm 10 Points

destroy everything

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Whale Rider 10 Points

ride a narwhal

Croquet Champion 10 Points

become a master of croquet

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